Thursday, April 16, 2009

A Rainbow In My Garden

Dear Readers,
I had a unique experience this morning and thought to share it with you. I've had a good day so far. I woke early and refreshed and hungry. My husband took me out for breakfast which is always a nice treat for me. Earlier I had watched Joyce Meyer on television. I like listening to her because I learn a lot, and receive lots of encouragement to press on in this journey called life... No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, 14 I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us. 15 Let all who are spiritually mature agree on these things. If you disagree on some point, I believe God will make it plain to you. 16 But we must hold on to the progress we have already made - Philippians 3v13-16. These words have greatly uplifted my spirits even as I write.

Later - it was such a warm day - I went to tend my garden. I transplanted some onions, did some mulching and watered the entire garden. As I held the green end of the long garden hose in my hand, a sudden brilliant gleam caught my eye. I stared until it came into clearer focus and noticed two parallel arches of colour in the stream of water. They were the the colours of the rainbow. They were two small rainbows; absolutely glorious! How awesome is that. How awesome is God. The rainbows reminded me of a song we used to sing in school... "red and yellow and pink and green, purple and orange and blue; I can sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow too " Wow, I hadn't recalled that song in decades. Truly the rainbows were lovely, and they stayed with me until I finished watering the plants. I am reminded that beauty is everywhere. God's presence is everywhere.

A while later I decided to go ahead and clear another patch of ground as an extension for the young corn plants still in peat pots, but then I might consider it for the tomatoes. The rake got dislocated so I made do with the prungs of another old broken rake. I had just shoved a heap of leaves unto the pile when I let out a squeal. I ran across the yard, through the gate and out to the front of the house to call my husband who had been working on a boat trailer. Curious, he came to investigate what I'd seen. I'd seen the remains of what he calls a critter. It was the skeleton of an unfortunate squirrel (the only rodent I seem to like). Sad. No wonder I had perceived an awful rank smell the other day while I was working in that part of the yard.

Some days ago I was out running a familiar route when I passed something gleaming. I impulsively ran back to check it out. Guess what? I let out an exclamation of excitement. It was a tortoise. I was amazed. Its shell was at least ten inches long and its colour that of autumn hues. Of course I neither had my camera or my phone which has a camera feature. I was sorely disappointed. I wanted to pick it up and take it home but was unsure. If I'd had a bag I might have done it. At the same time I hesitated because I didn't know if it might be illegal and I sure didn't want any PETA women descending on me. I was torn. Should I take it and run or not? It just sat there. They are so slow that, had I run home to get a camera or a bag, I might have found it still there when I returned. Hmmm, I finally left it and ran on. Ever since I scout the woods each time I pass that way, hoping to find my tortoise friend. One day, perhaps our paths shall cross again. In NJ I had a similar experience when I stumbled upon wild rabbits along my jogging route at Branch Brook Park. I remain in awe of God's creation. He is awesome indeed.


CathM said...

How cool is that... to spot a tortoise on your travels :)

IJ said...

Oh Cath,
I wish I had taken it home & keep searching for it in vain. Its like a deep yearning in my heart though- lol. Now I'm thinking of getting a tortoise from a pet store.