Thursday, December 17, 2009
The words seemed to just drop unto the page without any deliberation or thought in my head... then a phrase continued to resound ... Words on a page!
Words on a page
Words on a page
Words on a page
Words on a page
Words on a page
Words on a page
Words on a page
Words on a page
Words on a page
Words on a page
Words on a page
Sunday, November 22, 2009
The motor of the small fridge hums nonstop all day; every day.
The gentle tapping of the keyboards as I put my thoughts into prose.
A car pulls away from the office block in which I sit;
the main gates to the yard creak open to let it by.
A faint knocking on the clinic front door, then a louder knocking on another door as the owner of the knuckles searches a means to enter.
A tiny jingle alerts me to a message on my screen,
just as a cell phone sings its tune.
A discussion with a friend with a heavy European accent.
Then all goes quiet as the power shuts off suddenly and blackness envelopes me.
A moment goes by when I could have heard a pin drop.
Now the revving up of the computer as it boots up again.
The air conditioner comes on again, and the fridge picks up its tune.
A Blur
Saturday, November 21, 2009
The Kid And The Coat
Some of them so young;
They might have never seen the sea
or ever heard the waves.
Born in this Sahara village
out in the middle of nowhere
desert sands stretching
for miles and miles -
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Bits 'n' Bobs
Thanks for sticking with me. I loved your comments for sure. I've found out that, for some reason yet unknown to me, I can sneak into Blogspot on Sundays. Of course it takes hours for the site to open (no exageration) but its better than nothing. I've missed all your posts and so I am happy that I can come into the office and catch up with all your news on Sunday evenings. Needless to say, I have no social life here. I go from home to work, then back home again. There's lots to share. Right now I'm still house hunting. Found a lovely new house but no regular power and so I hesitate to take it. Maybe I'm being fussy, but I love to read and I refuse to invest in the 'wahala' (in Nigerian broken English, wahala means 'trouble') of owning a generator. So, I wait for my miracle ... a small apartment close by work with somewhat regular electricity.
Shall I make you laugh? I got my work car, and then got my work driving license, and the car sits outside my office every day. One day I'll have to start using it, I suppose. The truth is simply that there are so many pedestrians and motorcycles and bicycles on these predominantly tiny, narrow, hilly roads that I can't imagine adding my four-wheeler to that mix. Oh Lord, I pray for courage. Even to walk about scares me. The first day I ventured deep into the market with trusted coworkers, it was harrowing. I was nearly knocked down by a bicycle. He literally missed me by centimeters and had the nerve to yell angrily in French, or was it Lingala ... maybe Swahili. I was too busy trying not to be run over that I missed what language he was speaking.
Ah, adventures that can only be found in Africa... and Asia... and the Middle East, and lots of other places actually. In spite of my adjustment issues, it is a great experience and I'm getting settled. My French is improving forcefully, but thanks to my French teacher back in high school (Mrs. Idu at Kent College- she'd be so proud of me), I can remember quite a lot. I understand quite a bit and read easily, but need help with conversation. Alors, any French speakers out there? I salute you all. Golly, anyone who speaks more than one language is actually very clever.
Donc, mes amis, c'est tout pour ce moment mais avez vous une bonne semaine [so, my friends, that's all for the moment but you have a good week]! I gotta get a ride home. Its almost 10pm and its back to work tomorrow.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Bonsoir Tout Le Monde
Gosh it has been ages. This won't be long but I just managed to wriggle my way on this computer that has lots of sites blocked including blogspot. Somehow I stumbled upon it in some foreign language (Italian I guess), and it opened. Anyway, I am now half way across the world in Congo DRC. Google it and see. It has been an exciting 2 weeks so far and I'm sure I'll have plenty to share with you readers soon.
Ciao and stay blessed.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Worship is the answer
A big amen to that & you all have a wonderful week!
Friday, September 25, 2009
A Real Woman
" 'So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field. But for Adam no suitable helper was found. 21 So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh. 22 Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.
23 The man said,
"This is now bone of my bones
and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called 'woman,'
for she was taken out of man."
24 For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh' [Genesis 2v20-24].
God created the first male on the sixth day of His creation. Then on the seventh day He rested. I believe it was sometime after this that God carved out the first woman from the rib of that first man. Therefore man came first. Nevertheless God created man [male and female] in His own image, so men and women came from the same prototype – God Himself. God’s intention was to provide “woman” as a suitable helper to “man”, thus uniting them into one entity [Genesis 1v26-27; 2v20-24]."
Recently, at a women's conference at my church I heard it like this: Women do not need a man. We don't need a man to complete us. From that rib we were made ... a complete person, and therefore we can function alright all by ourselves. On the contrary, men have a missing rib. Thus, they need a woman to fill the gap. They need a woman to complete them. However, even though we, women, are complete, we were created for the primary purpose of being a helper to our men, specifically our husbands. The theme & title of the 3-day conference was Desperate Women [i.e. desperate for Jesus].I encourage all you beautiful ladies out there to grow your self esteem and confidence because you are good all by yourself! Whether married, single, separated or otherwise, you are good all by your self. What you need is not a man to validate you [you ain't desperate like that], but for God to complete you [be desperate for God]. I believe that most men would prefer confident complete women to bless their lives. Again, this is just my personal take. Feel free to share your views and comments, and have a glorious weekend!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
I am moved to share this with you. Although it mentions women, it truly applies to men also. Be blessed as you read it, and remember to pass on a blessing to others.
To all the "sisters" who I have known for a very long time and those who have only recently come into my life:
Time Passes ...
Life happens ...
Distance separates ...
Children grow up ...
Jobs come and go.
Love waxes and wanes.
Men don't do what they're suppose to do ...
Hearts break.
Parents die.
Colleagues forget favors.
Careers end ...
BUT Sisters are there,
no matter how much time & how many miles are between you.
A girl friend is never farther away than needing her can reach ...
When you have to walk that lonesome valley & you have to walk it by yourself, the women in your life will be on the valley's rim, cheering you on, praying for you, pulling for you, intervening on your behalf, and waiting with open arms at the valley's end ...
Sometimes they will even break the rules and walk beside you, or come in and carry you out. Girlfriends, daughters, granddaughters ...
Daughter-in-laws, sisters, sister-in-laws, mothers, grandmothers, aunts, nieces, cousins, and extended family, all bless our life!
The world wouldn't be the same without women, and neither would I. When we began this adventure called womanhood, we had no idea of the incredible joys or sorrows that lay ahead. Nor did we know how much we would need each other. Every day, we need each other still.
You are all very special to me!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
No Voice
Walked in and handcuffed me
Refused to listen to my pleas
Guilty until proven innocent!
How dare they?
Is the law for us or against us?
Tears on the face of loved ones.
Heads shaking, others looked on
How dare they?
Bound by men just like me.
And where was God?
Because I did nothing wrong.
How dare they?
Etched an image in my memory forever.
Distrust of men in uniform
Black, white, all alike.
How dare they?
Harvard professor & Sean Bell
Rodney King,
Now me
How dare they?
Caused me to anger and cry
Let me go without a word
Not an apology was heard
How dare they?
Showed me the ugly side of life.
I also am a man in uniform
But for a moment I was a man scorned.
A few weeks ago, this scenario played out in my life and I was deeply affected. Although the thoughts are mine, the handcuffed hands were not ... but I sat there and watched it all. Sad, alone, two hundred and sixty miles away from home. When it was all over, it felt like a strange dream. The experience taught me so much - God is an awesome deliverer!
I would like to appreciate all my readers for being a part of A Voice On Fleming Road. Many of you have become cyber friends who encourage me and show concern for my personal affairs. It is so touching because a friend laughs when I laugh & cries when I cry and I feel that from you all. My sincere apologies for not yet responding to your most recent comments [Sarah, Darsden, CathM, RCUBEs, Christine, Peter ...]. I also acknowledge all new readers & followers to my blog - thanks for stopping by and for your lovely and kind comments. Please continue to follow as I hope to be back to blogging regularly as soon as life permits - lol!
There is so much to share, but let me leave you with a few photos for now...
Sailor, then and now ...
... sister Sasha
Remember my completed jigsaw puzzle? Well, I finally got that framed and it hangs on our study wall. When things get rough or I feel myself lacking motivation, a glance at my jigsaw reminds me that I will get through that tough spell. I completed most of that piece when confined to my home all weekend becuase of a health problem- I survived it! A new puzzle brings excitement in spite of anticipated anxieties about how hard it might be and brief frustrations along the way - I finished it!
More of God's creatures ...
Remember these?
I'm still working to improve my amateur photography skills
You all have an awesome week :)
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Happy Labor day weekend!
How has your year been thus far? Gosh, what a year it has been on my side of the world. My life seems to have run away with me and the last couple of months have been rather unsettling, in the sense that unexpected events continue popping up and catching me well off guard. My goodness! [I really do not like surprises or sudden changes in plan or direction (i.e. upheavals - lol).]
Now though, I hear God saying to me: Hold on, for these storms won't last forever. As the thunder cracks, the lightening flashes and the rains pour. I remain in the safety of my home, unafraid and know that the weather will improve. I command God's peace to be still, then settle down to wait it out. Before long dawn arrives, bringing calm in its wake ... broken branches and trees reminding me of what occurred the previous night. Since being in Georgia, I have experienced many small isolated thunder storms. Each time, the next day's news reports the damage that was done and I realize how lucky I was. In my spiritual life I have faced many storms too. Remaining in the security of God, I have waited it out and watched the spiritual climate change. This is my testimony:- I am still here.
Friends, for those of you passing through a tough spell, be encouraged. Hold on for life will get better. For others who are having a good season right now, be grateful and do not take things for granted. Thank God for every good thing. Have a glorious Labor day weekend!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Sisters ...
This is a salute to all sisters (and brothers), whether real siblings or just people we consider as the friend that sticketh closer than a brother [Proverbs 18:24]. Reference is made to my blog post dated June 11, 2009 and titled Give Me My Flowers While I Am Alive. It came to mind as I prepared to write this post.
As you know from the aforementioned post, I have a real sister [CathM], but I also have lots of other sisters. Childhood friends who have known me all their lives. A younger sister- a dear girl whom I got close to while living in Nigeria. A big sister- who opened her home to me and invited me into her family in NJ. Close friends the world over who took me as their younger sister- 2 wonderful nurses and a doctor in Nigeria; a lovely nurse from Cameroon & one from Liberia; my coworkers in Liberia. The list goes on & on. Truly I have been blessed because wherever God has placed me, He has sent the right people my way. Nothing is a coincidence or accident, and I believe that our paths have crossed by divine plan. Even you, my readers & fellow bloggers, our paths have connected in cyber space for a reason, a season or a lifetime.
Today I realized that God has done it again. He has sent 5 wonderful ladies into my life. In the past, when I thought about beautiful black women, my mind would go to the likes of Cece Winans, Whitney Houston, Angela Bassett, etc. One day I read a presentation on Strong Black Women and remembered the women in my life. My mother, my sister, these are great examples of beautiful women I esteem highly. Now I add the 5 ladies I met at a church group. My spirit loved them from the first and I feel a spiritual connection. Each radiates an elegantly gentle and humble spirit, yet their inner strength and beauty is undoubted. In addition to these qualities, their individual experiences and Christian maturity make them attractive, inside & out, with smiles that come from the heart ... and if only you knew their generous nature. Mentors, role models, God strategically places people in our paths but many times they go unnoticed by us. We need to pay attention to the traffic in our lives and notice the people who come our way. Be kind to everyone we meet because God may have put us in their path for a purpose. Besides, what goes around sure comes around and the kindness would come back to us in some way.
Hebrews 13v2 reminds us not to forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it. Be blessed & remember to be a blessing too!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
I sat there. Just sat there gazing through the window pane. Then I noticed him through an open window as he climbed slowly and steadily up a big tree trunk. His red head bobbed as he went along, bobbing up and down as he pecked. Occasionally he would pause as if to survey the lie of the land - the portion of tree bark he was working. Working, he was, yet some might say he was destroying. Yes, he was destroying the tree, attacking it and creating holes in the beautiful old pine trunk. He, on the other hand, must think that he was simply carving out a haven for himself ... taking refuge in an old tree.
I wrote this piece the other day. Posting it on my blog now makes me feel like I need to carve out a safe haven for myself in this topsy turvy world of mine. I long for a physical place of refuge. However, deep down inside me I know that God is my safe haven; my place of refuge; my rock and sure foundation. I pray that He keep us all safe, and hide us in His most secret place where we can rest as peace and love flow upon us without ceasing. Have a blessed weekend!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Hello Readers,
I sincerely apologise for my infrequent blog posts lately, and I truly appreciate your still visiting my blog. A lot of things have been going on in my personal life that made me quite weary, yet God gives me strength to go on. When the going gets tough, the tough get going. When you stumble, hold on lest you fall. But if life manages to knock you down, pick yourself back up and keep on going. It 'aint over until God says it's over. Have a blessed and restful weekend!
Here's a piece I found among some old notes of mine from last year [raw unedited version] ...
My eyes begin to cry
Why cry?
Slowly the glands open their dams and the rivers of tears unleash
As the eyelids flutter and the yawns begin their rhythm
Faster now, yet faster, one yawn becomes another and the eyes feverishly fight to close
The mind still alert yet slowed far below operational levels
The adrenaline kicks in and she goes into panic mode
Oh yeah, I am so sleepy
Oh no, tiredness has set in and now who knows?
Shall the mind still be able to control her thoughts ... her words
REM will take the final frontier
Easy now, watch what you say
Answer no more questions lest the truth of your heart be known to the stranger far across the seas
Indeed, REM - the last frontier - I concur
In the ubiquity of slumber she shall rest
Drifting off as he appears in her dreams.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Appointment With Death
I traveled up to NC for a funeral last Friday. The minister reminded us that death is the one appointment that we will not be late for or forget to show up at. He called it a divine appointment. An appointment with death. Old, young, rich or poor; when death comes knocking there is no where to run to and no where to hide. The bible says that it is appointed once for man to die. A time to be born and a time to die. I ponder these things. The mystery of life. I wonder ...
A country lane
A fish pond
An old man and woman
Married fifty years
A funeral
The procession
Brave faces and tears
An appointment with death
Great grans
Hustle and bustle
Families gather for comfort
Soul food
Sausage and grits
Hash browns and ham
Home cooked cuisine
What might have been
No warning sign
No hint of tomorrow
Darkened face
Still as stone
No memory left
So much left undone
Fresh dew upon the earth
The early morning sunrise
Ours to go on
I return to my world
Until the last breath is done
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Jack & Jill - Jael
The US Airways flight 415 touched down in Phoenix at exactly six thirty-nine in the evening. The temperature was 75 F and the time on the huge digital clock mounted in the baggage claim lounge read 19:20. I located a trolley and moved to position myself near the origin of the conveyer belt. This airport is so ultramodern. On my way to get my bags I had passed the WELCOME TO PHOENIX sign overhead and a beautiful large eagle crest etched into the flooring, enclosed within a circle meant to be a compass pointing out North, South, East and West. It looked real nice. There are lots of other cool digital displays and the signs had enabled me to navigate the airport easily. Lots of new construction had been undertaken over the last few years and I contemplated checking out the new car rental terminal. A lovely older gentleman who'd sat next to me on the plane had told me about it; the biggest of its kind in Arizona (and maybe in the whole country). He had said it was close by and I needed a car anyway to get to Avondale which was less than a half hour away. Spying some neat shops, I realized that I had eaten very little all day. I walked over to one and bought a snack- a packaged tuna sandwich and a bottle of vitamin water. It would do for the moment. As I got back to the conveyer belt, I noticed my bags had been pulled off to the side. Without a thought as to why, I loaded my trolley and moved toward the seats to gather myself and eat.
Jael, honey, I've missed you. I nearly jumped out of my skin and my water was knocked off its precarious perch on my suitcase. Jack quickly reached for it and spared my denim skirt from getting as soaked as it might have been otherwise. Hi. What on earth are you doing here? I thought you were having a late meeting out of town? Jack embraced me in a tight bear hug and kissed my face. You look gorgeous and that silk green blouse is perfect on you. The colour makes your eyes sparkle. Sandwich still in hand, I managed to hug him back with my one free hand. He looked good too. He had on a striped mauve and white jumper over a pair of new blue jeans. He looked like a magazine model and I often wondered why he had never considered modeling. He was smiling and right then I felt in my spirit that all my fears were unfounded. He was a good man. This was a good decision. I loved him. I excused myself from the meeting to surprise you, Jack finally answered. You sure did, you scared the daylights out of me, I retorted; you'd have missed me if I hadn't decided to eat before heading over to the car rental. He chuckled and got my things together. I hope you don't mind eating and walking at the same time? he asked politely. Not at all, I replied. His arm around my shoulders, the other pushing the trolley, we made for the nearest exit. By now it was almost eight thirty-five and I was pleasantly exhausted.
We arrived at Jack's home in Avondale just after nine. The house was gorgeous and I bet he used an interior decorator. You like?, he had one eyebrow raised and his dimples became more prominent. I love it, I said dramatically. This was an absolutely gorgeous single family home with 4 bedrooms and 2 baths. It was a duplex, had a double garage and lots of space all around. All this for the unbeatable price of $50000, thanks to foreclosure. There was a huge tree at the front of the house, so close that one could actually climb it to enter one of the rooms on the top floor. The building was cream coloured with a soft pink hue. Jack took me on a quick tour of the house. I could tell that he was also tired. Built in the 1980s, the entire interior had been further modernized. I admired the huge French windows in the living room that opened out on a small quaint veranda. The white wicker furniture with plush cushions were perfect here. The big kitchen window gave the most amazing view ... like a picture frame. Jack said that in the daytime one could see the park against a background of the mountain peaks. I saw the window seat in the dining area and decided that that would be my reading spot. It must have been awful for the previous owners to give it up. Jack went downstairs to heat up dinner while I took a shower and changed. Feeling so refreshed I joined him in the living room.
He had set up our meal in front of the television. Soft rock music played in the background and huge candles in the corner of the room had been lit. I was asked to have a seat while he brought out a bottle of vin blanc. Taking his seat opposite me, he said the grace and we began to eat. Jack was a great cook. He had spent a year working in Paris as a chef's apprentice, either after high school or after college. While he was expert at cooking and creating hotel-style cuisines, I stuck to perfecting my skills with home-cooked meals. We ate and talked. Hours later we called it a night and turned in. My first night in my new home with Jack. This was the beginning of our life together. Still, the anxieties remained and I was not sure why. However, somewhere in the back of my head I think I knew the answer and was simply afraid to admit it. Ah, all in God's time. I would try not to worry. Already I could hear Jack's even breathing which meant that he was fast asleep. I let my mind drift to thoughts of the future and the trip to Montgomery to see my host family- that was going to be fun because Missy and Carla would meet me there. Then I thought of all the things I needed to do the next day, making a mental list that seemed to grow longer and longer ... call grandpa and Missy; search for flights to Alabama; call Mr. Jameson to check on the status of my shipment; prepare for grad school and find out if Missy would also be at La Jolla; I certainly had enough to occupy my mind these first few days. All would be well.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Awesome. I just finished watching a wonderful interview and highly recommend it to every one out there as a "must see". I expect that you can request a copy from your local PBS station or find it online. I worked in Liberia from 2004-2006, a country in West Africa that boasts the first female president in the history of the continent of Africa. An amazing story with amazing heroes. Check it out & you'll be glad that you did. It only takes someone ordinary to do something super-ordinary. Open your heart today and let God use you to move mountains and change lives and reshape the world into a better place. Let us all join hands and stand in prayers of agreement that we each will do our best to follow our heart and do the right thing because every little step counts. This has stirred up my spirit so strong this afternoon that I feel I could preach a sermon- lol! Be blessed as you watch the documentary film "Pray The Devil Back To Hell". It is about the Liberian struggle, when the mothers (local market women) rose up to declare that enough was enough. They fought for freedom.
Pray The Devil Back To Hell - a PBS television interview of Liberian Leyman Gbowee (she fought for freedom) and American Abigail Disney (she told the story of freedom). This topic is also presented by Bill Moyers on his web page: Bill Moyers Journal. Have a blessed week and do come back and share your feedback about the film. Thanks.
What the heart of the young man said to the psalmist
Tell me not, in mournful numbers,
Life is but an empty dream! --
For the soul is dead that slumbers,
And things are not what they seem.
Life is real! Life is earnest!
And the grave is not its goal;
Dust thou art, to dust returnest,
Was not spoken of the soul.
Not enjoyment, and not sorrow,
Is our destined end or way;
But to act, that each to-morrow
Find us farther than to-day.
Art is long, and Time is fleeting,
And our hearts, though stout and brave,
Still, like muffled drums, are beating
Funeral marches to the grave.
In the world's broad field of battle,
In the bivouac of Life,
Be not like dumb, driven cattle!
Be a hero in the strife!
Trust no Future, howe'er pleasant!
Let the dead Past bury its dead!
Act, -- act in the living Present!
Heart within, and God o'erhead!
Lives of great men all remind us
We can make our lives sublime,
And, departing, leave behind us
Footprints on the sands of time;
Footprints, that perhaps another,
Sailing o'er life's solemn main,
A forlorn and shipwrecked brother,
Seeing, shall take heart again.
Let us, then, be up and doing,
With a heart for any fate;
Still achieving, still pursuing,
Learn to labor and to wait.
-- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Keep looking beyond tomorrow…
temptation whispers in ill-humored fashion.
Sand sifts smoothly through the hourglass
half full, half empty at the birth of twilight
and an eerie notion stills my heart.
Keep looking beyond tomorrow…
temptation now drones my name.
But sand has drifted in errant ways.
My path has steepened; I labor to climb.
Wind’s shifted north, I’m facing south
and pushing forth one inch at a time.
Keep looking beyond tomorrow…
temptation calls its wretched wish,
though I can’t see one grain of sand
past the one on which I stand.
Doubts pushing and pulling with equal force,
one step forward two steps back
till silence roars; temptation no longer calls.
Sand sifts quickly through the hourglass
half empty, half full at the birth of twilight
and a black moon eclipses the sun.
Carmen Ruggero ©2005
Friday, June 12, 2009
Musings In May
Hello and I hope you've all had a good month so far. This piece was written last month and I apologise for publishing it so late [I was waiting to upload more photos but my camera battery is acting up]. Well, lots happened in the past few weeks that caused me to be away from my blog quite a bit. Now I can't wait to catch up with all that I have missed on your blog posts and promise to respond to all your comments.
I arrived at my girlfriend's home as she was leaving for work. From there she would head to NC for a few days. So I had the house to myself- what glee! S' home has always been a safe haven in which to unwind and de-stress. It is like going for a retreat and checking in to a bed & breakfast. Heavenly. The spare room was made up for me, with towels, soap and a lovely lavender body lotion (by Clarence O. Bigelow) set aside for my use. Then there is the bathroom which is actually like a spa. The impressive array of face and body and hair and feet treatments, washes, cleansers, lotions, shampoos, etc. entices my senses every time. It was a joy to wake up with eager anticipation of the treat of a long shower each morning. Bliss. Then the kitchen, I mean cuisine, is so homely and inviting. Being a natural born cook, as is the rest of her family (including mom, sister and brothers), the kitchen lacked nothing. It is no wonder that I treasure my trips to Boston which never fail to leave me refreshed and rejuvenated. I can then return to my life, better able to cope and continue from whence I left off.
Two days ago, I had a bit of a health problem. It was completely unexpected and for me who has generally been pretty healthy, it took an emotional toll. I tried to brave it for hours especially since I was at a loss as to what to do. An extreme feeling of anxiousness and confusion as the symptoms heightened caused me to finally ask my husband to take me to the Emergency Room. We must have gotten there about four or five o'clock a.m. and I was discharged after a few hours around nine. I spent the entire weekend at home, receiving separate prescriptions for complete bed rest from my mom and aunt over the phone. Of course it drove me nuts to lie in bed all day. I had to get up and sit for a while, I dare confess, and even walk about the house a bit. I nearly completed a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle, so you get an idea of how absolutely bored I was... lol. It is a lovely jigsaw that I bought at the Boston market from a couple who create the pictures themselves, then have them sent off to the factory to be made into jigsaws. Pretty cool process, huh?
Much later I realized that in actual fact I was depressed. Hmmm, this surprised me somewhat and ought not to have done so really. But of course, things tend to be different when they happen to "us" as opposed to "other people". Henceforth my empathy goes to patients who are prescribed "complete bed rest". It is easier said than done, doctor! I won't go into detail, but permit me to say that being unable to articulate my emotions and thoughts, this incident leaves me feeling a little numb and sad; bereft to be more precise. Perhaps at a later date I shall be able to process this entire experience psychically and move on. It can be a rather emotional ordeal yet the good lord remains our almighty physician. He is a healer [Exodus 15v26] and maketh all things beautiful in His time [Ecclesiastes 3v11]. Some illnesses are not unto death, but for the glory of God [John 11v4]. God has a purpose and a plan in every event, and I look forward to discovering the blessing in this incident. After the initial weakness and shock, and in spite of the intense pain that racked my body, all I could do was pray and praise [Acts 16v25-26] for I knew that what the enemy intended as harm, the lord shall use for my good.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Give Me My Flowers While I Am Alive
Have a glorious weekend everyone, and may the good Lord show Himself to us in a big way this coming week ... in Jesus' precious name. Amen.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Excerpt I
I have decided to pen down some excerpts that develop in my head as they develop. One day they might be incorporated into full stories. In this case the whole story outline is already trying to form in my head. Here is the first one and I do hope you enjoy it ...
Her feet moved so slowly as she walked. Her hair hung over her face, matted by sweat and her tears. As she passed the lamp post the light caught the silhouette of a troubled soul. Just then it began to rain. For each rain drop that landed upon her, a tear rolled down each cheek. Lightening struck and thunder cracked. Her sobs grew louder and more intense. Her eyes continued to look at the ground unseeing. Puddles were forming all around her, coalescing into large pools of water. Absent-mindedly she crossed the side streets until she reached another street corner. The big clock above the gas station sounded the hour. It was ten o'clock at night and she was on her way home. A place that had become more of a prison than a home. A place where her freedom was denied her and she felt like a puppet on a string. At times she was merely a robot or zombie doing things automatically with no feeling or thought involved. Where was God? He who promised that He would never leave her nor forsake her and would be her helper [Hebrews 13v5-6]? He who said He was not a man that He should lie [Numbers 23v19]? He who said to call upon Him in her time of trouble [Psalm 50v15]?
Suddenly, she noticed that it was not raining on her but it still rained a few feet ahead. A gust of wind blew, so forceful that she fell to her knees. In a crack in the wall of the building on her left, she saw a light like that from a candle. It was a tiny flame yet produced such brilliant white light that she turned away a few times. Mesmerized, she stared at this light as it increased in brightness unsure of its source. Then the flame rose up the wall and following it with her eyes, she got to her feet. The light moved and she walked alongside it, being careful to keep it in view. It continued raining several feet in front of her and all around but not above her. After a few blocks the light disappeared and she found herself standing outside a huge Catholic church. Without thinking, as if in a dream, she walked up the three steps and pushed open the large wooden doors. She walked down the aisle and sat in the very first pew. An empty sanctuary. Alone and scared. The sobbing started again and the flame returned. Sensing a presence, she looked around but saw no one. She prayed and cried and sobbed. Finally she fell asleep where she sat.
Someone was tapping her hand gently when she awoke. The young man sat beside her and asked if he could help her. Kindness and love radiated from his face and she felt so sad. She had married a man who was stingy, selfish and drank himself drunk coming home in the wee hours of the morning. What she could not understand was why God did not change him? Yes sir, she replied eventually. You can help me. You can tell me why God won't change my husband and make him generous and make him stop drinking and staying out all night. The young man smiled and simply said, "all in God's time sister; all in God's time." He prayed with her for a long time and spoke kindly to her of hope and patience and love. She was reminded of the God of the Impossible as well as the Ghanaian word, Sankofa, meaning to take from the past what is good and bring it into the present to make meaning of one's life. It took her about thirty minutes to get home and find that her husband was not back yet. He walked in ten minutes later without so much as a greeting. God would get her through this new day and she would praise Him anyway. This experience was changing her forcefully. God was clearly working on her and she knew she'd become a much better person at the end of this season of her life. She accepted this as the words of Proverbs 3v11-18 came to mind ...
11 My son, do not despise the chastening of the LORD,
Nor detest His correction;
12 For whom the LORD loves He corrects,
Just as a father the son in whom he delights.
13 Happy is the man who finds wisdom,
And the man who gains understanding;
14 For her proceeds are better than the profits of silver,
And her gain than fine gold.
15 She is more precious than rubies,
And all the things you may desire cannot compare with her.
16 Length of days is in her right hand,
In her left hand riches and honor.
17 Her ways are ways of pleasantness,
And all her paths are peace.
18 She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her,
And happy are all who retain her.
Monday, June 1, 2009
This looks grave
A face so brave
Something wrong
Hours too long
News not good
Depressive mood
Hovering too near
None could I hear
Another clinic
Emotions spill
Tears begin to well
Strength regained
These remain