Sunday, March 22, 2009

Joel 1v13-15

Queen Esther had an important assignment to do that required God's wisdom and direction so she sought His face. She (and others on her behalf) fasted for 3 days & nights before she set off to address the problem. Jesus had a habit of fasting before certain big assignments. He did 40 days and nights before his temptation by satan. It is amazing how often we take decisions without committing it to the Lord. Big or small, dilemmas or successes... we should involve God in all areas of our lives & trust His promptings.

Joel's reading is about priests being called to consecrate a fast for a problem. Everyone in the land needed to be in the house of God crying unto Him. Likewise we should declare a fast from time to time. We can fast alone, call a fast in our home or join fasts called by our churches. Sometimes this will be when there's a tough task or decision ahead. Other times we may fast for spiritual cleansing. This benefits us physically too because our stomachs rest and our bodies get time to recuperate. One might do a weekly or monthly fast from 6 a.m. until noon (or until 3 p.m.). On the day of the fast pray intermittently with a thankful heart. Petition Him if you have a need and ask for divine cleansing of body, mind, soul & spirit.

Fasting is to sacrifice something. For instance, giving up food and drink in order to focus on your spirituality & being at one with the creator. Keeping the body empty brings it under the control of your spirit. This enables your spirit man to rise above carnal and worldly thoughts and draw closer to God's spirit. Being in tune with the Holy Spirit opens you up to the mind of God and allows you to pray and live out His will.

SONG: Goodbye World

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