Saturday, February 21, 2009

Being Thankful

Dear Readers,

I wonder how you all spent your week? I propose that we should all be thankful that we made it through the week. Some blogs that I follow spoke of incidents that their authors experienced recently. This really reminds me that anything can happen at anytime. Sickness & death certainly come to mind. Consider how many people (known or unknown to you) fell sick or passed away in the past seven days around the world... how many sad diagnoses might have been received, how many accidents, how many surgical complications... I thank God that we survived the week and pray that He continues to watch over our going out and our coming in [Psalm 121v8]. So how did I spend my week? I helped my husband clear a portion of our property- cutting down trees, pulling down vines and digging up roots, raking leaves, etc. It is not something I am used to, yet it was fun. Of course I'd do a little bit then have to take a break before continuing. If you could only see the small patch I am talking about, some of you farmers and outdoors people might let out a loud laugh. In my defense, I must say that the last place I lived was an apartment complex so the premises were maintained by the management. Well,
I wish you all a pleasant week ahead and hope that you remember to be thankful for even the smallest things in life!


CathM said...

There’s something very relaxing about outdoor work (even if it is hard work). Yes - we should give THANKS for each blessing rendered, especially the gift of life!

IJ said...

Yes Cath, how right you are. And thanks for the response to my question- photo's been updated as suggested. Love always xxx