Friday, April 30, 2010

Remember To Face The Light

Wow, I was just moved to respond to a fellow blogger's post.
It was heavy and weary, but there is much light all around.
When we feel in a dark place, let us remember to always turn and face the light.

This was my response.

Lilly Jones said...

I appreciate the sincerity and openness
as you share your feelings and yourself.
This helps others to cry and also
it helps them to heal.
God knows why He chose you
and He knows why you did not die.
You have a strength you might not believe, and a purpose you might not yet know.
I don't know why I was moved to write,
I don't why I had to reply,
but again, our Father (God) knows best
and maybe one day we shall understand why.


Bethany Wiggins said...

What a beautiful comment! Isn't it amazing how close we can come to others through blogging? I've met some of the most wonderful fellow bloggers and count them dear friends, yet have never met them.

IJ said...

@Bethany Wiggins, how right you are. I have also felt so connected to some people through blogging, and we might never meet. I suppose it is a spiritual bond of sorts. Well, I thank you for visiting my blog... I feel so honored. I just read your interesting & great profile. I've been a fan from afar, having read yours and Suzette's writings.

Have a fabulous week!

Just Be Real said...

Thank you Lily for sharing. I have met some really great bloggy buddies right here. Thank you bloggy buddy, for your continued encouragement and support. I am just now trying to catch up on some of my blogs. Blessings.

Anonymous said...

Good brief and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you on your information.

IJ said...

Thanks everyone for uplifting comments. I've been busy with life so kinda getting back to some of you late - apologies!
@JBR, merci beaucoup cherie (thanks very much dear). Your posts are ever the mirror that causes one to study one's reflection and discover greater strength that comes from having lived. Keep on daring to share your heart... you'll be alright!
@Anonymous, thank you; I am glad that my post was of help to you, and credit goes to the blogger who inspired it. May God guide you through college and bring out the best in you in every area of your life.

- LJ